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Conference call for papers – Students

Marți 15 Martie 2022 11:35:58

Call for papers – Students
Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality & Tourism Conference
Conference Thematic: Remodelling Businesses for Sustainable Development
May 12th -14th, 2022

Conference venue

Hybrid (onsite, at the Faculty of Business – Horea St. No 7, Cluj-Napoca, and online, via Teams Platform)


  • April 15th, 2022- Extended Abstract (submitted under the coordination of a professor from the student’s university)
  • April 22nd, 2022 - Extended Abstract acceptance notification
  • May 7th, 2022 - Paper submission for Conference Proceedings
  • May 27th, 2022 - Reviewers' feedback for submitted papers
  • June 30th, 2022 - Submission of papers for Studia UBB Negotia journal

Registration fee Undergraduate and master students - Free

Contact info: conference.tbs@ubbcluj.ro

Email subject: 2022 Conference –Student paper + Coordinator

For more information please click here.

Marți 15 Martie 2022 11:35:58