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EUTOPIA against war in Ukraine

Luni 28 Februarie 2022 07:01:26

The EUTOPIA European University Alliance observes with concern the deterioration of the situation in Ukraine and the overwhelming Russian forces crushing a country and its inhabitants from all sides at the same time. We condemn violence replacing the diplomatic dialogue that should be ongoing between all the parties involved in the conflict.

As a European university alliance, we defend peace and European values incompatible with the imposition of power by violence. War is a catastrophe that kills people, destroys infrastructures, damages confidence, and imposes a regression of the freedom of thinking, teaching and building together with young generations of students and researchers a better democratic world.

We consider the outbreak of war a danger to the continent's equilibrium, the common institutions, and the principles that our countries have been building together for decades. Within academia, we examine, apprehend, value, assess reality without boundaries, and we are committed to helping societies overcome their problems. In EUTOPIA, we are committed to academic cooperation and science diplomacy as effective levers to end destructive cycles.

Our universities are involved in various ways to help the Ukrainians in need, and we think that if good and humanity are to prevail within and among nations, more efforts from each of us are required. EUTOPIA is engaged in supporting Ukrainian students and staff to the best of our abilities. EUTOPIA also expresses its support to the academic communities in Russia who speak out against this violence.

Our thoughts go out to the students, scholars and professionals experiencing distress for their families’ fate in war-torn territories. Our hearts are with you.


  • Daniel David, Rector of the Babes-Bolyai University
  • Romain Meeusen, Vice-Rector for International, Rector a.i. of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Tiziana Lippiello, Rector of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice
  • François Germinet, President of CY Cergy Paris Université, Deputy Chair of EUTOPIA
  • Eva Wiberg, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg, Chair of EUTOPIA
  • Gregor Majdič, Rector of the University of Ljubljana
  • João Sàágua, Rector of the NOVA University Lisbon
  • Oriol Amat, Rector of the Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona
  • Ursula M. Staudinger, Rector of the Technische Universität Dresden
  • Stuart Croft, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Warwick

For more information click here.

Luni 28 Februarie 2022 07:01:26