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Sustainable business, continuous learning and diversity

SUB-FLY is an educational project developed and implemented by Faculty of Business from Babes-Bolyai University in partnership with School of Business from University of South-Eastern Norway, being financed by SEE Grants under the contract EY-COP-0082.

Why is the project needed and which situation is addressed?

Employers are looking for well-prepared graduates, universities being placed somewhere between them. A gap between universities and companies regarding education and its content is claimed. Filling it, is a shared responsibility.

How will the project address these challenges?
  • SUB-FLY brings together students, professors & companies.
  • Professors propose a specific topic, prepare concepts and train the students, which work in mixed groups to analyze the topic.
  • During company visits students test the concepts in a real environment.
  • Debates and coaching are organized to guide students for preparing the final business report, presented in front of professors and fellow students.

What does the project plan to achieve?
  • Intensive courses, practical considerations & workflow are elaborated, generating open & re-usable educational resources, containing: theoretical concepts, personal experiences and cross-cultural aspects.
  • Real case studies are available as business reports for future dissemination.
  • Joint research and development of new programs are encouraged.
  • Young & educated candidates and access to new concepts are the achievements for companies.
Who is expected to benefit from this project and how will they benefit?
  • Directly-involved students work in an international environment, improving their intercultural and communication skills. They receive trainings and coaching from international professors, interact with businesses and apply theoretical concepts. They synthesize information and elaborate comprehensive and efficient reports & presentations.
  • Non-involved students benefit from open access educational materials and case studies.
  • Professors improve their educational materials, intercultural & pedagogical skills.
  • Companies have access to young educated and talented candidates and create the image of an active company, involved in the education process.
What added value is the partnership expected to bring to the project?

Students, coming from different cultures, prepare under supervision of professors & experts, interact in an international environment, and apply concepts in a real environment offered by companies.

For additional information

please visit the webpage of the program: www.subfly.ro

contact the Project Coordinator dr. Traian Ionut Luca at the following e-mail address: ionut.luca@tbs.ubbcluj.ro