Cristina Balint

Cristina Balint


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Cristina Balint is a graduate of the Faculty of Business – Department of Business Management in the Hotel Industry, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. She attended the master's studies at the same faculty, specializing in Hotel Management. She obtained her PhD in Finance in 2012.

She is the author or co-author of over 25 scientific articles published in specialized journals in the country and abroad. She has also participated in over 20 national and international scientific conferences, and the co-author of two specialized books, author of a book chapter published in an international publishing house and co-author of two book chapters published in nationally and internationally recognized publishing houses.

She has been a member of two institutional projects and is currently a member of the Centre for Research and Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hospitality (CRETH).

Consultation hours


Disciplines taught

International financial markets │ Bachelor  Business Administration (Romanian and English line)

Hotel facilities and properties │ Bachelor Business Administration in Hospitality Services (Romanian and English line)

Microfinance of hospitality services │ Bachelor Business Administration in Hospitality Services (Romanian and English line)

Estate and facilities management │ Master Business Administration in International Hospitality and Tourism (English line)

Areas of scientific interest

  • Capital Markets, Stock Exchange, Financial Markets
  • Hospitality & Tourism, Tourism Development
  • Microfinance

Scientific publications

◈ Gică, O.-A., Balint, C.-I., Planning practices of SMEs in North-Western Region of Romania - an empirical investigation, Pagina: 896 - 901, An: 2012, International Conference - Emerging Markets Queries In Finance and Business,  Elsevier Science BV,  ISBN: 2212-5671,  

◈ Balint, C.-I., Pop, C., Romanian hotel industry profile through the traded hotel companies, pagina: 332 - 343, an: 2015, 16th Annual conference on finance and accounting, ACFA Prague, Editură: Elsevier ltd.,  ISBN: 2212-5671 , doi: 10.1016/s2212-5671(15)00743-1

◈ Gică, O.-A., Balint, C.-I., Is the January effect present on the Romanian capital market?, Pagina: 523 - 532, An: 2012, 8th International Strategic Management Conference,  Editură: Elsevier Ltd.,  ISBN: 1877-0428,  

◈ Pop, C., Coroș, M.-M., Balint, C.-I., Romanian Rural Tourism: A Survey of Accommodation Facilities, Volum Nr: 2, Pagina: 71 - 126, Număr pagini: 56, An: 2017, Studia Negotia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai (ISSN 1224-8738), ISSN: 1224-8738

Partnerships with the business environment

Internship coordinator

International experience

Business Administration in International Hospitality and Tourism coordinator of the graduate level program