Ioana Cîmpean graduated from the Faculty of Physics (bachelor's level) and the Faculty of Business (bachelor's and master's levels). After completing her studies, she worked as a physics teacher in pre-university education, and since 1997, she has been employed at the Faculty of Business as the chief secretary. Through her work in this position, she has contributed to the evolution and development of the faculty.
Main responsibilities of the position held/specialties served
- Coordinating the activity of the Faculty of Business secretariat and the subordinate administrative staff in compliance with legality, regularity, and efficiency
- Leading, planning, and organizing the work of subordinate employees by ensuring and monitoring the timely completion of their job responsibilities
- Ensuring the accurate and timely provision of information and documents required by the faculty and university management
- Mediating the relationship between the teaching staff/students and the faculty management
- Providing administrative support for the administrative, teaching, and research staff
Experiences regarding involvement in events/activities/projects/mobilities
- ERASMUS+ staff training mobility in the Netherlands, Russia, Morocco, and Norway
- Business Carrousel program