The Authors of the accepted Extended Abstracts are going to be further invited to submit their full papers.

Full papers (short or extended versions) must comply with the Springer Book of Proceedings Template and will be submitted by email at:

Papers must be original and should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All abstracts and full papers must be written in English.


Participants interested in presenting a paper are invited to send an extended abstract filling out the following form:

The Extended Abstract will include:

the Paper Title, 5 keywords

JEL classification (

the Full Name of the author/authors, the Institutional Affiliation

• E-mail address

Extended Abstract (of 600 to 800 words) must cover the following aspects:

a) A brief Introduction of the approached subject highlighting the added value of the research (100-300 words);

b) Research Purpose and the Methodological Approach (70-100 words);

c) Key Results of the research and brief Discussions (270-320 words);

d) Main Conclusions (70-100 words);

e) References (5-12 references).

The Authors of the accepted Extended Abstracts are going to be further invited to submit their full papers.

Extended Abstracts must be submitted here.

Full papers (for the Springer Book of Proceedings) must be submitted at:

The template for the Springer Book of Proceedings is available online.
Papers must be original and should not have been previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. All abstracts and full papers must be written in English.

To be considered for publishing opportunities, all contributions must be presented during the conference.


Publication Opportunities

To be considered for publishing opportunities, all contributions must be presented during the conference.

Final papers can be published either in the Book of Proceedings (to be indexed by Springer) or in the supporting journals.

For the Springer Book of Proceedings, the Editors will consider final papers addressing the tracks:

• Smart and Sustainable Development Issues in the Business Environment;

• Sustainable and Resilient Business Models;

• Innovation, Sustainability and Growth in a VUCA Environment;

• Innovative and Sustainable Entrepreneurship;

• Modern Customer Experiences.

Depending on the author(s)’ preference, presented papers can be submitted to one of the supporting journals. Submissions to the supporting journals will comply with their publication guidelines and they will undergo the journals’ regular review process.

The conference welcomes researchers, academics, and practitioners to share their knowledge and findings. Undergraduate, master, and PhD students are also encouraged to present their research and to receive academic feedback and advice.

Undergraduate and master students will submit extended abstracts until April 27th, 2025, and will mention the supervising professor:



Central European Journal of Geography and Sustainable Development

Studia UBB Negotia Journal







Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Negotia