The Faculty of Business, through its curricular and extra-curricular activities, assumes as a specific element the training of future entrepreneurs and businesspeople in the spirit of sustainable economic development and responsibility towards society and the environment.
The Faculty of Business undertakes, by fulfilling these strategic objectives, to make a significant contribution to achieving the following sustainable development objectives:

Objective 4 – Quality education
The Faculty of Business aims to play an active role in substantially increasing the number of young people and adults who possess relevant skills that facilitate employment, decent job creation and entrepreneurship. It will also aim to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to promote sustainable development in both their personal and professional lives.

Goal 8 – Decent work and economic growth
Through a high quality of professional training of graduates, the Faculty of Business aims to encourage the formation and growth of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The development of partnerships with these entities will create the premise to offer students the opportunity to gain practical experience and employment opportunities, and to companies, in addition to access to human resources, it will offer them the opportunity to debate with teachers and find solutions to current challenges.

Goal 12 – Responsible consumption and production
The Faculty of Business, by integrating sustainability principles into curricular and extracurricular activities, will encourage ethical business behavior, waste reduction, responsible supply chain management, and decision-making taking into account environmental impact.

Goal 17 – Partnership for the Goals
In Partnership means that the Faculty of Business will seek to develop partnerships with local entrepreneurs and businesses, industry leaders, and NGOs to create mutually beneficial opportunities.