
This section presents the publications about the studies developed within the project.


Scientific papers:
  • Vermeir, I., Petrescu, D.C. and Petrescu-Mag, R.M., 2023. What are the ‘shape friendly’ locations to sell misshapen tomatoes? The effect of point of purchase on consumers’ abnormality perception and probability to buy. Food Quality and Preference, 106, p.104809.
  • Rastegari, H., Petrescu, D.C. and Petrescu-Mag, R.M., 2023. Factors affecting retailers’ fruit waste management: Behavior analysis using the theory of planned behavior and norm activation model. Environmental Development, 47, p.100913.
  • Archip, B.C., Banatean-Dunea, I., Petrescu, D.C. and Petrescu-Mag, R.M., 2023. Determinants of Food Waste in Cluj-Napoca (Romania): A Community-Based System Dynamics Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), p.2140.


Conference participations:
  • Modern Trends in Business, Hospitality, and Tourism Conference, editia a treia: Sustainable Approaches and Business Challenges in Times of Crisis, 4-6 mai 2023 ( Presentation: „Team Up for a Circular Economy: A Collaborative Approach between Farmers, Food Services, Retailers, and Consumers for Less Food”; authors: Dacinia Crina Petrescu, Ruxandra Mălina Petrescu-Mag, Iulia Ajtai, Carmen Andreea Roba, Oana Adriana Gică, Ancuța Tenter, Adina Letiția Negrușa, Valentin Toader,  Nicoleta Brișan
  • The Agro-Economy and Rural Anthropology Symposium, 3rd Edition, November 18, 2022, organized by the Gh Zane Economic and Social Research Institute, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, in partnership with the Rural Development Research Platform Association, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Academy "Gheorghe Ionescu-Sișești" Bucharest - Department of Agrarian Economy and Rural Development, and University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Banat "King Mihai I of Romania" from Timișoara ( -economy-and-rural-anthropology-saar-2/). The title of the presented paper: "Consumers' understanding of the causes of fruit and vegetable waste: a qualitative approach"; authors: Dacinia Crina Petrescu, Ruxandra Mălina Petrescu-Mag.