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Erasmus outgoing students

It is a great experience to go abroad for a semester

Academic Year 2023-2024

Anunt Selectie Extinsa - BIP Lisabona

Mobilitati de scurta durata ERASMUS +

Fisa candidatului

Academic Year 2022-2023

Mobilities Erasmus + 2022-2023

Academic Year 2021-2022

Selection Results - Erasmus See Semp

Erasmus+ placements

The Erasmus + office together with AIESEC Cluj-Napoca organizes a selection session for internship mobility within the Erasmus + program, for the summer of 2021. These places are intended for students enrolled at the bachelor's degree (year 1 and 2) and master's degree (year 1).For more information (click here)


Scholarships process for the EU countries overview

Dear students, it is time for you to invest your energy and time in an Erasmus + exchange program. Alongside the novelty of the academic experience you will enhance your knowledge, attitude and skills and build your competitive advantage for your future career. Some people say that it is the experience of a lifetime… we agree with them :)

The Erasmus + framework is impressive and provides support for education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad. (Erasmus + Official website)

All the great experiences don’t come easy, you need to invest in them. A quick overview of the entire process allows you to understand the basic mechanisms of this opportunity.

Overview of the Erasmus + process

More detailed information regarding each step in the process and documents needed to be prepared for them are available in special brochure (click on the image below). Please read this material like you mean it, make notes, and prepare questions for your meeting with Erasmus+ representatives.


Kindest regards!

Faculty of Business

International Relations Team

Claudia HUSZAR


International Relations & PR Officer



Prof. dr. & Erasmus + Coordinator

Aurelian SOFICĂ


Vice Dean responsible with International Relations