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Erasmus incoming students

For exchange students

Welcome to Cluj-Napoca

Welcome to the webpage for International Exchange Students! This page the informations that will help you to prepare to your study period and adventure at the Transylvania Business School. In case of any questions, we are ready to assist you

People that you will get in contact with:

    Assoc. Prof. dr. Dragos Paun, Head of the International Relations Office
    Oana Pacurar, International Relations Officer
    Ilona Dranca, Erasmus Incoming Officer email: ilona.dranca@ubbcluj.ro

If you need a list of modules that Transylvania Business Schools offers you can find it here:

Schedule for the academic year can be found here -> click here

Get a Buddy

For exchange students

As an exchange student, you get a student as a Buddy and they will help you with answers to practical questions etc.

You will receive more information about the help you can get from the Business Students Association (ASB) when you are admitted as an exchange student at Transylvania Business School.

Important deadlines:

    1. nomination deadline for Fall semester or Academic Year - May 15th
    2. nomination deadline for Spring semester- November 15th
    3. application for Fall Semester or Academic Year - June 15th
    4. application for Spring Semester - December 15th

Important information

    1. Academic calendar
    2. Student dormitories are available. See here a description -> click here

Here you find some key information about Cluj-Napoca and BBU.

Babes-Bolyai University is the epicentre of our city – Cluj-Napoca. If you want to have a look at our city please watch the video below: